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Yunyan provides services for elderly

english.guiyang.gov.cn|Updated: 2021-10-27

Qingfengyuan residential area was built in 1989 and is the first pilot project to add elevators to existing residences in Yanwujie sub-district, Yunyan district. It is the staff dormitory of the Sinopec Southwest Petroleum Bureau, with eight floors and 30 households.

Yunyan district is located in Guiyang, capital of Southwest China's Guizhou province.

"In Qingfengyuan residential area, 70-80 percent of residents are elderly. It takes just a few minutes to go up and down by taking the elevator. It saves a lot of time and energy," said Xiong Liping, a resident over 60 years old.

"In addition to installing elevators in old communities, we also offer services for the elderly, such as buying wheelchairs and daily necessities and modifying circuits," said a worker at the Yanwujie sub-district office.

As residents get older, Yanwujie sub-district has also launched home care services. For elderly in need, staff members will be sent to their homes to provide services such as increased assistance facilities, housekeeping, and cleaning.

There are currently a total of 52 elderly service institutions in Yunyan, including 13 nursing homes, 23 daycare centers, 12 rural elderly service centers, three general hospitals for the elderly, and one elderly service information platform.

Elderly care institutions and residential community elderly care service centers are available for all sub-districts and towns, meeting the basic needs of various elderly groups in the district.


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