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Yunyan district highlights cultural industry development

Updated: 2021-01-22


Yunyan district welcomes a delegation on Jan 15 to learn about its development of the cultural sector. [Photo/WeChat account of Yunyan]

A delegation from the Publicity Department of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee and Guizhou Publishing Group Co Ltd visited Yunyan district on Jan 15 to learn more about the district's development of the cultural sector.

The district is located in Guiyang, the capital city of Southwest China's Guizhou province.

Mao Tao, director of the cultural system reform department of the Publicity Department of the CPC Guizhou Provincial Committee, discussed ideas and requirements for the near-term development of the cultural industry in Guizhou province.

Cai Guanghui, general manager of Guizhou Publishing Group, introduced the group's business operations, the renovation plan for the new printing plant, and related matters that require support and cooperation from Yunyan district.

A cultural and tourism industrial park will be built in the new printing plant. It will play a significant role in the province's cultural sector, as well as enhance urban functions and promote the high-quality development of Yunyan district, according to officials.

Officials thanked attendees for their support for the district's development of the cultural industry. They said that the district would enhance urban planning and development momentum through innovation, openness, investment and culture.

Local officials said the district would fully support constructing the cultural and tourism industrial park at the new printing plant and help it become a new landmark in Guiyang.


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